Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maintaining Self-Discipline for Good Health

We all agree that prevention is better than cure. It is always wise to take precautions before a disease or disorder strikes us as it saves us of our time, money and a lot of worry caused by uncertainties.

Self-Discipline of the Mind

Disciplining the mind is of foremost importance for perceiving happiness and well-being. When the mind is peaceful, it becomes content and happy. Disciplining the mind becomes a lot easier when we have discipline in our diet and lifestyle.
At mental level, people with dominant nature or inertial mind types are prone to get distracted at the drop of a hat! They are the ones who find it very difficult to maintain self-discipline on the face of external stimuli. So keep your mind cool, even it is not possible every time but try to adopt it in your nature.

Self-Discipline of the Body

While talking about body types, people with an aggravated Pitta in their bodies are more prone to display an inherent Agni (fire) elemental character such as hyperactivity, indiscipline or violent behavior. One of the most important causes of Pitta aggravation is the production of Ama or toxins in our body. Undigested or semi-digested food instead of yielding the life-giving Ojus (vital fluid) produces Ama, which in turn gives rise to a host of anomalies and disorders. According to Ayurveda, Ama is produced with the intake of foods that are frozen, canned, refined (so as to denude the food of its nutritive value), genetically altered, grown with chemical pesticides or fertilizers or that are processed with artificial colours, flavours, additives or preservatives. Such foods are lacking in Chetana (living intelligence) and Prana (vital life-energy) and will do more harm than good in the physiology.

Self-Discipline of the Senses

With regard to our senses, people who are bent on feeding their senses with good food, loud music and unnatural pleasures for most of the times are prone to have a frenzied mind. They are often agitated by external stimuli such as peer pressure or violent behavior. The constant feeding of their senses completely preoccupies them preventing them from having a sound judgment. The excessive display of sex and violence in entertainment programs that we see in various media such as television, cinema and the Internet affects our mind internally. And since, “like attracts like”, our mind too becomes pre-destined to exhibit what we see in the form of anger, rebellious behavior and violence and lose our self-discipline.
The solution here is to try to live as close as possible to nature. Instead of choosing to watch a movie for an outing in a cinema, sitting under artificial lighting and temperature-controlled rooms and feeding on a dose of junk food, people can well opt for other means of entertainment that are in harmony with nature such as visit to a picnic place, a botanical garden .
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After all health is wealth

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