Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Boost Brain Power

The mind is a powerful tool. Noetic science and quantum physics focus on the brain as an important aspect of modeling and creating the reality around us. The thoughts that emerge from the brain coupled with the correct emotion are even considered to have a certain weight, given its impact on oneself and the world around.
However, the brain does remain listed among the few parts of the body that are not much likely to be cared about. So if you’re thinking of ways to flex your mental muscle, here are a few things you’d like to try out.

Buffer up with B12

While vitamin B9 continues to remain in the spotlight for improving brain function, vitamin B12 managed to share the stage as well. The researchers from the Oxford University, UK, discovered that those with higher levels of vitamin B12 had six times lesser risk of developing age-related brain shrinkage and other mental ailments.

Rev up your cranial play

If you’re one of those who can’t seem to remember names and cell phone numbers, consider getting the old chessboard out. Make up mnemonics and play with words. Keep your brain busy with a lot of different mind activities such as solving a puzzle or playing a game.

Increase copper intake

It has been confirmed decades back that copper is a micronutrient essential for the healthy functioning of the central nervous system. The neural synapses (gaps between two adjacent neurons) become stronger when there is adequate amount of copper in the body. Lamb liver, pears, shitake mushrooms, sesame paste, cashews and oysters are good dietary sources of copper and including more of these foods in your diet could actually increase your ability to learn and remember.

Get bilingual

Learning and speaking more than one language makes up for an agile mind. What actually happens is that when you speak more than one language every day, more areas of your brain become active, keeping you miles away from Alzheimer’s and other mental illnesses. Ciao!

Go water wise

Water levels in your body do have a great impact on your brain function too. Just 90 minutes of steady sweating can cause your brain to shrink as much as in a year. That’s why it’s extremely important to keep up your fluid levels. Lowered fluid levels have negatively impacted work and school performance among many.

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