Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Exercising with diabetes

In addition to the general health and fitness benefits that everyone enjoys from exercise, structured training will help your diabetes in a number of ways.

Exercising with diabetes can help:
  • ·         Help control blood sugar
  • ·         Help weight management
  • ·         Help avoid further diabetes complications
  • ·         Reduce stress
  • ·         Improve quality of life with diabetes
So, if you suffer from this disease, follow the step-by-step guide to exercising with diabetes and improve your quality of life. This guide includes advice on:
  • ·         How to kick-start your training program
  • ·         Training precautions
  • ·         Correct training protocols
  • ·         Exercise tips

Safety first before exercise

Before you begin your exercise programme there are a couple of basic precautions that you should take. Once they’re completed, you’re ready to improve your fitness

Get a check-up before exercising

Book a check-up with your doctor to discuss your plans. Your doctor will actively support your actions and will also be able to offer you further advice pertinent to your condition.

Get a professional

Next, to maximise the benefits of your training, it is wise to link up with an exercise professional who is qualified to advise you on training with diabetes. Time spent at this stage will reap continual rewards because focusing on the correct training for you will result in faster and long-term progression.

Now you’ve got the all clear to begin exercising, follow the realbuzz step-by-step guide to preparing for your exercise sessions.

Eating before exercise

Several hours before your session, eat a high carbohydrate, low fat meal that also contains protein. The exact time will depend on your own particular rate of digestion so experiment with different eating times to find out what suits you best. The addition of protein in your meal will help the ‘slow release’ of energy as opposed to energy peaks that will upset your insulin balance.

Additional eating for exercise

Between one hour before you exercise and actually starting, you may benefit from additional carbohydrate — typically up to 15 grams. Similar to your main meal, experiment to find out what is best for you.

Energy drinks for exercise

Throughout your workout, keep a sports energy drink close at hand in case you experience hypoglycaemia. A sports drink will be rapidly absorbed and is easily portable, whether your workout takes place in the gym or outdoors.

Wear identification when exercising

Always wear identification in the form of a wrist band, necklace or similar, detailing your condition, contact details and any instructions.

Think safety when exercising

For safety reasons and as a psychological boost, advise the gym staff and friends and family that you are exercising. This is particularly important at the start of your programme when your body is gearing up to the new challenge of exercise.

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After all health is wealth

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