Friday, December 28, 2012

The Importance of Good Health

‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ - World Health Organization

Many people do not realize the importance of good health, and even if they do, they may still disregard it. Whether we work at home or in an office, we need good health in order to perform our duties well. When people talk about health, they usually refer to the condition of the body. However, health does not merely mean being free from physical pain or the symptoms of disease. The mind is of crucial consideration in the overall assessment of wellbeing.

The necessity of good health is not limited to a particular religion, caste, creed or gender. Most diseases have their origin in mind, or the manomaya kosha. A person can be said to be healthy when his or her body is healthy and the mind is clear and calm. While many people may not have material problems, they may be unhappy or agitated at the psychological level. They may suffer from insomnia due to stress, or feel depressed, irritable and aimless. All these are the result of an unbalanced mind.

Unfortunately, most of our attempts to become happy relate only to the body. We strive for materialistic ends, such as lucrative income, status, a big house, an expensive car, jewelry and so on, because we believe these things will make us happy. Seldom do we give attention to our mind and soul, which the time and resources we spend in trying to fulfill our physical needs and desire, we are still unable to achieve lasting peace and happiness through satisfaction of bodily needs. This is because we have not learned how to listen to our mind and soul.

A human being is a composite unit of five sheaths. The ancient Ayurveda health system propounded this truth more than five-thousand years ago when it emphasized the importance of a balanced life, taking into consideration not only the body, but also the mind and the soul. Indeed, the wisdom of Ayurveda is profound and enduring, as it heals the body, mind and soul. It gives knowledge of die, hygiene attitudes and lifestyles that induce total health.

Everything we eat does one of two things: it either nourishes us or poisons us. Food that has been over-processed and contains preservatives acts like slow poison. The entire modern food handling process, where emphasis is on long shelf life, is turning our food into poisons. In order to keep the body healthy, it is fundamental to follow a wholesome diet, consisting of fresh vegetable proteins in the form of lentils, beans, milk products, dried fruits and the like. Besides healthy food, we also need sufficient sleep, fresh air, and proper physical exercise, such as yogasanas or other sports.

We the CMS Data Bank have the list of top doctors of India. We suggest you a specialist doctor near you. You can visit our website or you can call our Patients Help line Number 0129-6542356. We will help be happy to help you.

After all health is wealth

Home Remedies for Jaundice

Tip 1:

1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of hot water taken 2-3 times a day.

Tip 2:

Make a paste of tender papaya leaves. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this paste with 1 teaspoon honey.

Tip 3:

Boil 1 cup of water, when it boils add 8-10 lemon leaves. Cover and leave for 4-5 minutes. Drink the decoction for 4-5 days.

Tip 4:

Lots of lime juice should be consumed.

Tip 5:

1/2 teaspoon ginger juice, 1 teaspoon mint juice and 1teaspoon lime juice to be taken as often as possible 

Tip 6:

1 cup of juice made with radish leaves taken 2 times a day.

Tip 7:

First thing in the morning, drink 1 glass of fresh Tomato juice. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to this.

We the CMS Data Bank have the list of top doctors of India. We suggest you a specialist doctor near you. You can visit our website or you can call our Patients Help line Number 0129-6542356. We will help be happy to help you.

After all health is wealth

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Few bad habits that are good for you


Most of us love a good gossip, whether we’re giggling over a colleague’s new romance or passing an opinion on someone’s outfit choice or behaviour, and the good news is that gossiping could actually be good for us. Not only does listening to gossip help us to learn more about the characters of those around us, bonding and having a laugh with your peers also releases feel-good hormones which help to relieve stress and anxiety.

Giving in to your cravings

Although constantly giving into junk food cravings is a sure-fire way to sabotage your healthy eating success, allowing yourself the odd treat will not only boost your happiness, it will also help you keep motivated to stay on track. Also, as many people crave the foods that they most attempt to resist, allowing yourself a little of what you fancy can actually help to reduce cravings. If you have imposed extreme restrictions on your diet and cut out entire food groups, cravings could also be a sign of a nutrient deficiency in your diet.


In recent years, official advice has been that we should cover up in the sun at all times to protect ourselves from skin cancer. However, more recently experts have stated that actually little and frequent sun exposure is good for us. In the UK, where vitamin D deficiency is common, seven leading health groups and charities have issued a statement advising everyone to spend 10 minutes in the midday sun without sunblock in order to avoid rickets. Meanwhile, a US study has stated that the vitamin D produced by the sun could help ward off colds and flu. However, experts have stressed that people should cover up after 10 minutes, and skin should never be red at the end of the day.

Losing your temper

Many of us have been brought up to believe that losing our temper is the ultimate social faux pas. To an extent this is true (nobody wants to hang out with that person who is always losing their cool and shouting their mouth off), however research has found that losing your temper could actually be good for your health. Venting your emotions is believed to reduce the effects of stress, while a Swedish study found that men who bottled up their anger when unfairly treated at work doubled their risk of having a heart attack.

Drinking coffee

Although drinking too much coffee can be detrimental to your health, in smaller quantities the popular hot drink can actually be good for you. When drunk in moderation (no more than three cups per day), caffeine can speed up your metabolism, boost exercise endurance and reduce your risk of gallstones and kidney stones. A study by the Harvard Medical School has also found that women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to be depressed, while separate research has shown that drinking three cups cuts risk of age-related diabetes.

We the CMS Data Bank have the list of top doctors of India. We suggest you a specialist doctor near you. You can visit our website or you can call our Patients Help line Number 0129-6542356. We will help be happy to help you.

After all health is wealth

Diabetes Facts

  • There are about 250 million people with diabetes in the world
  • Type 1 diabetes is growing by 3% per year in children and adolescents
  • It is estimated that 70,000 children under 15 develop type 1 diabetes
    each year (200 children a day).
  • Of the estimated 440,000 cases of type 1 diabetes in children worldwide, more than a quarter live in South-East Asia, and more than a fifth in Europe.
  • In the US, it is estimated that type 2 diabetes represents between 8 and 45% of new-onset diabetes cases in children
  • Over a 20-year period, type 2 diabetes has doubled in children in Japan, so that it is now more common than type.

We the CMS Data Bank have the list of top doctors of India. We suggest you a specialist doctor near you. You can visit our website or you can call our Patients Help line Number 0129-6542356. We will help be happy to help you.

After all health is wealth

Alcohol — Killing the Human Spirit

Ayurvedic practice recognizes the use of alcohol only for medicinal, not recreational or social purposes. It is a highly valuable substance when used therapeutically, and was originally obtained from naturally fermenting plant sources. Ayurvedic medicine actually uses over eighty different types of herbal wines to treat specific diseases and conditions. But this is in very small quantities of no more than a couple of tablespoons twice per day after meals.

We already know that alcohol causes disease and distress, but perhaps you can think about it in the context of the four points mentioned above. Humans have taken a naturally occurring drug and overdosed on it. Is it natural to consume alcohol in quantities that creates numerous physical and psychological side effects, such as loss of memory, dehydration, vomiting and ultimately complete unconsciousness (or "black outs") in the short term?

You may now be able to see clearly how Ayurveda works in the modern world just as validly as it did five thousand years ago. You can consider any other example and apply the principles above to see what an Ayurvedic perspective on it would be. Processed, packaged and frozen foods, genetically modified foods and carbonated beverages are other revealing examples. This approach will become useful in guiding you in your daily life, or when deciding whether to replace something natural with an artificial source.

  • Does it naturally occur in this form in my environment?
  • How does it affect the relevant organ and its functions?
  • Does it aggravate or stimulate my senses or soothe them?
  • Is my intake or association with this substance excessive or too limited?
  • Does using this substance pollute my body or my environment?

Ayurvedic medical theory and science, although ancient, has enduring relevance and wisdom for human beings in any age. It has been used to treat millions of people worldwide over centuries, and will continue to offer insight well into the 21st Century - that is-, if we choose to appreciate the core messages that the original practioners chose to impart for our benefit.

We the CMS Data Bank have the list of top doctors of India. We suggest you a specialist doctor near you. You can visit our website or you can call our Patients Help line Number 0129-6542356. We will help be happy to help you.

After all health is wealth